Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Reunion Announcement

50 Year Reunion Announcement!

Friday Night Registration, Mixer, and Dinner

Friday,  October  5,  2018  -  6:30 pm

Shriner East Room

Tour of Amarillo High School

Saturday,  October  6,  2018  -  9:30 am

The tour will be conducted by Mr. Biggers who is a long term teacher at Amarillo High School and expert on the history of Amarillo High School. This event will include viewing of valuable art work saved from the original Amarillo High School building as it was burning.   

Saturday Lunch Event

Saturday,  October  6,  2018  -  11:30 am

Youngblood's Cafe


Saturday Night Dinner and Dance

Saturday,  October  6,  2018  -  6:30 pm

Amarillo Country Club


50th Sandie Reunion Worship Service

Sunday,  October  7,  2018  -  10:00 am

Original Building of First Baptist Church located at 12th and Tyler across from the campus of our old alma mater